1 、 在工作台上鋪上報紙或紙巾,準備一支大湯匙及一個杯子。
2 、 先放入170c.c.的水(約1杯米杯的水),再將全部的陶粉加入此已裝好水的杯中,用湯匙或棒子攪拌3分鐘一直
3 、 將此混合漿倒入所提供的鐵盒中,並慢慢的搖一搖一直到表面平坦為止.
4 、 硬化時間約4~8分鐘,視室溫而定,所以請拿湯匙測試一下,若還太軟則將表面弄平,再等30秒後再試看看.
5 、 將小孩的手或腳壓入此混合漿上,壓好後拿出手或腳先去清洗.
6 、 在完全硬化前可拿書寫工具寫下令人印象深刻的字句.硬化後可做彩繪.
7 、 注意:此作品至少須一個星期不要蓋蓋子,以便讓作品乾燥而不至於發霉.
8 、 本陶粉為天然無毒成份,請放心使用。
1 、 Cover your desk’s surface with newspaper or paper towels.
You will need a mixing bowl containing 170c.c. water and big spoon.
(IMPORTANT: Warmer water will increase the hardening rate of themixture. Room temperature water
is recommended)
2 、 Slowly add entire all powder mix to bowl of water, stirring constantly for 3~4 minutes until smooth.
3 、 Pour the mixture into the tin provided. Gently shake the tin until the mixture is level on top.
4、Mixture will harden in 4~8 minutes. Check frequently, as climate or room temperature may affect the time
it takes for mixture to properly set. Use a spoon to test the mixture’s timeless, if it is too soft, smooth over
and check again in another 30 seconds.
5、Press child’s hand or foot into the box. Promptly wash child’s hand or foot after take out from the box.
6、 Use the writing tool to personalize the impression before the mixture become hard. After hard, you can paint
7、IMPORTANT: Let mold dry uncovered for at least 1 week to ensure dry completely.
1 、 在工作台上鋪上報紙或紙巾,準備一支大湯匙及一個杯子。
2 、 先放入170c.c.的水(約1杯米杯的水),再將全部的陶粉加入此已裝好水的杯中,用湯匙或棒子攪拌3分鐘一直
3 、 將此混合漿倒入所提供的鐵盒中,並慢慢的搖一搖一直到表面平坦為止.
4 、 硬化時間約4~8分鐘,視室溫而定,所以請拿湯匙測試一下,若還太軟則將表面弄平,再等30秒後再試看看.
5 、 將小孩的手或腳壓入此混合漿上,壓好後拿出手或腳先去清洗.
6 、 在完全硬化前可拿書寫工具寫下令人印象深刻的字句.硬化後可做彩繪.
7 、 注意:此作品至少須一個星期不要蓋蓋子,以便讓作品乾燥而不至於發霉.
8 、 本陶粉為天然無毒成份,請放心使用。
1 、 Cover your desk’s surface with newspaper or paper towels.
You will need a mixing bowl containing 170c.c. water and big spoon.
(IMPORTANT: Warmer water will increase the hardening rate of themixture. Room temperature water
is recommended)
2 、 Slowly add entire all powder mix to bowl of water, stirring constantly for 3~4 minutes until smooth.
3 、 Pour the mixture into the tin provided. Gently shake the tin until the mixture is level on top.
4、Mixture will harden in 4~8 minutes. Check frequently, as climate or room temperature may affect the time
it takes for mixture to properly set. Use a spoon to test the mixture’s timeless, if it is too soft, smooth over
and check again in another 30 seconds.
5、Press child’s hand or foot into the box. Promptly wash child’s hand or foot after take out from the box.
6、 Use the writing tool to personalize the impression before the mixture become hard. After hard, you can paint
7、IMPORTANT: Let mold dry uncovered for at least 1 week to ensure dry completely.